Sturt Public School is located in the Wagga Wagga suburb of Kooringal.
It has a student population of over 400.
Students come from a wide range of socio economic backgrounds with 11% of students being Aboriginal and 7% Non-English Speaking Background (NESB).
This equates to 15 class groups arranged in stages, with students from more than 29 different nations.
One of the senior classes is an Opportunity Class which offers an individualised Gifted and Talented Program.
Staffing includes an English as An Additional Language or Dialect teacher (EAL/D) and Learning and Support Co-ordinator who, in collaboration with classroom teachers and Student Learning Support Officers, ensure that individualised learning plans/adjustments are created for all students.
The school’s motto is “Strive to Achieve” and this drives the ethos of providing students with a broad range of opportunities to learn and grow.
As an Empowering Local School, these opportunities include K-6 Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) with a heavy emphasis on student engagement and community expertise.
The HOW2Learn program enables students to realise their full potential by understanding how they learn best and the extra-curricular opportunities in Sport, Science and Technology and Creative and Performing Arts, enable our students to excel in their chosen fields.
As a result of our Positive Behaviour Program, the school culture is that of a strong community, with students, staff, parents and friends working together to promote an empathic and productive environment.
The school continues to strengthen their relationship with the Aboriginal community.