The students at Sturt Public School are expected to wear their school uniform.The wearing of the school uniform encourages pride in the school and assists in developing and maintaining good school tone and conduct. It also reduces to a minimum, the distinctions between students because of clothing. The purchase of the school uniform can be made through Lowes.
166 Baylis Street, Wagga Wagga NSW 2650
(02) 6921 8099
NO SCHOOL HAT—NO PLAY policy exists in the school during these terms. Please note: baseball caps, canvas shoes, makeup and facial piercings are not acceptable at school.
School hats are sold through the school canteen and we strongly encourage the wearing of them, especially in Terms 1 and 4.
Clothing Pool
The school also operates a second-hand Clothing Pool. if you would like to access this please contact the school office.
(02) 6922 5087